Most Common and Serious Types of Birth Injuries

Injuries suffered during childbirth can be devastating. They can cause deformity, chronic pain and long-term disabilities, as well as emotional trauma for both the child and their family. If medical professionals make critical misjudgments or other errors during childbirth — or in the time just before or after — they may be held accountable in medical malpractice lawsuits for the resulting harm.

The following are the most common types of birth injuries that a child can suffer:

  • Cerebral palsy — This is a group of motor disorders that affect an individual's ability to move and maintain balance. While the causes are diverse, the most common is oxygen deprivation during birth. It can occur if medical professionals fail to monitor fetal distress or properly respond to complications or if they delay interventions like emergency c-sections.

  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) — This is brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen and blood flow. It must be diagnosed through testing immediately after birth, and prompt treatment must be given to minimize the potential for lasting neurological consequences. 

  • Skeletal damage — Injuries to the baby's skull, clavicle, femurs or other bones can occur during difficult deliveries, particularly if forceps or vacuum extraction tools are used improperly. 

  • Brachial plexus injury — Also known as Erb’s palsy, this injury occurs when the nerves controlling the arms and hands are damaged during delivery, often due to excessive force or improper handling by medical staff. Shoulder dystocia, a complication in which the baby's shoulder becomes lodged behind the mother's pubic bone, can lead to this injury.

  • Facial nerve injury — This can be due to several causes, including excessive pressure from forceps and other extraction tools, and can result in asymmetry of the face.

  • Spinal cord injury — This can be caused by lateral stretching of the neck due to shoulder dystocia, breech extraction or hyperabduction of the neck in certain fetal positions.

When a c-section is medically indicated but is delayed due to misinterpretations, communication breakdowns or other errors, it can increase the risk of some of the foregoing injuries.

Birth injuries constitute medical malpractice if they are due to the failure of an obstetrician or other medical professional to adhere to the proper standard of care. The standard is higher for high-risk pregnancies, such as those involving preeclampsia, placenta previa or gestational diabetes.

If you believe your child has suffered a birth injury due to professional negligence, a medical malpractice lawyer can help you get the compensation you need and deserve. This includes the costs of ongoing medical expenses, rehabilitative care and related treatment and accommodations.

Skinner Law Firm, P.C. in Bridgeview, Illinois has been providing trusted legal services throughout the Cook County area for nearly 20 years. Please call 312-635-6459 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.